Yule is a pagan festival that celebrates the winter solstice, usually occurring around December 21st in the Northern Hemisphere. It marks the shortest day and the longest night of the year. Many modern Pagan traditions observe Yule as aiStock 1285468795 time of reflection, renewal, and the return of the sun. Yule has ancient roots and has been celebrated by various cultures throughout history, most notably Norse, Roman, and Germanic influences.

Here's a simple Yule Altar setup that you can adapt to your own beliefs and practices I set mine up twelve days before Christmas, lighting the candles for a bit every night, but I do burn the Yule log on the 21st, not the 25th:

Remember, rituals and Altars can be highly personal, so feel free to adapt this Yule Altar Layout to suit your beliefs and preferences. Always follow your intuition and work within a framework that resonates with you. Have a Blessed Yule season and Happy Holidays!